Inventory Management
Take control and accurately manage your inventory without taking the stress of volume.

An item lost is loss incurred
Our comprehensive module helps maintain stock, requisition material, transfer material between departments, sell uniform online, and generate several useful reports at a click.
Got a question?
Here are our frequently answered questions to help you gain insights into the depth of our integrated inventory system.
Where does it all begin?
The first step is to define Inventory groups under for direct sales or assets, sub-groups, UOM, followed by several item heads in each group. There are several attributes for entering items name / head that determine how the inventory is computed as you move ahead.
How does inventory management work in DC Netra?
Inventory management works by tracking products, components and ingredients across suppliers, stock on hand, and sales to ensure that stock is used as efficiently and effectively as possible.
What is a unit of measurement?
Unit of Measurement, or poularly abbreviated as UOM, is the unit in which an item can be packaged. For example, books are counted in numbers. Similarly, in a school, as there are hunderds of products, each accounted by its respective UOM, you have a configuration interface in DC Netra where the Inventory adminitrator can define the correct UOMs as required.
Is it possible to sell a book set?
You can do that very easily in DC Netra, by creating class wise book sets. Not just book sets, you can create a bundle for any specific requirement, such as a uniform set.
How do you route inventory to the correct department?
Generally it so happens that any purchased items land up in the main building of the institution, and it must be internally routed to the designated department with proper documentation. For this purpose, when a product arrives, it will be in the custody of the Stores department and using indent process it will be moved to respective department by making appropriate Transfer Note (TN).
What are the ways you handle product delivery?
1. Prepare indent, pay fees, deliver indent
2. Direct sales
Do you support physical stock verification and scrap processes?
Physical stock verification is an important process that must be done periodically to verify the accuracy, detect possible fraud, and finally reveal the correct picture in the Balance Sheet. Institutions often define the periodicty as per their policies. Being a role based system, in DC Netra it is easily possible to allow someone other than Storekeeper, such as Internal Auditor to handle physical stock verification.
How does bar code help in inventory management?
Each item has a unique identity that can be associated with a bar code or QR code. Having such scan codes greatly improves the productivity, especially in over-the-counter sales. You just scan the code and everthing related to the item, such as name, UOM, price, and availability is pulled up on your screen.
What if the stock of an item is about to get over?
You don’t have to wait until you are out of stock. Just configure the item re-order level (ROL) to send reminders on attaining those levels. Further, for certain approved items, you can even set up automatic reordering process.
What is your greatest success story?
Being the first implementation of online book sale in 2017-18, our experience with ARKIS Bahrain ranks high up in the list. What used to be a fair like chaos turned out to be a surprisingly peaceful affair as nobody even noticed that book sale was going on in full swing!