Photo Buddy
Make the seemingly trivial, but practically complex activity of organizing student and staff photographs, really trivial.

Organizing a photo shoot?
Save time with Photo Buddy!
Let’s save 100 hours per 1000 students with our smart utility that expects you only to Capture.
Search by login, scan NFC / QR code, click photograph, save; that’s it, you’ve saved 33 hours and conserved energy too!
You don’t have to crop the photos to fit your size and dimensions; that’s about 4 hours with an automated tool.
Don’t get into adjusting the brightness, contrast, colors of individual photos and you’ve saved at least 10 hours.
Don’t run behind parents, send reminders and beg for photos; that’s saving of a massive unaccounted hours.
Standardizing photos is a tedious but important task; avoid it and you’ve saved another 15 hours.
Think about naming cryptic photo names to the desired person’s identity; that’s a massive 20 hours activity
Time saved is money earned
Photo Buddy is designed to ease off the administrative burden by reducing the entire activity of photo collection while maintaining the requisite standards to just scanning and clicking.

It’s about brand experience
Here’s a tiny little utility that gets the job done silently.
Got a question?
Here are our frequently answered questions to help you understand how Photo Buddy can help IT Administrators become more productive at work.
What is Photo Buddy?
Photo Buddy is a simple mobile based utility that helps IT administrators and academic coordinators capture photos of students and store them in an organized manner in DC Netra database.
Getting photos from students is trivial, isn't it?
We’ll call it ‘seemingly trivial’. Considering a large number of students, the activity of capturing, collating, cropping, standardizing, enhancing, naming, mapping and uploading the photographs isn’t really trial. Ask any IT administrator and they will spend hours explaining their plight. We have ourselves experienced it, and that’s how this utility was born out of necessity.
So, what does the coordinator have to do?
The coordinator just searches for the student or staff using a search identifier such as login or enrollment number, or scans QR code or NFC card to quickly identify the student. The next step is to click the photo, adjust and save. That’s it, done is less than 30 seconds!
But parents do provide photographs whenever asked for.
True, they give those out of compulsion, and that’s the reason that you get photos of various dimensions, with non-standard backgrounds, and huge sizes. The implications due to such dependencies range from application performance to user experience and finally brand experience.
Can this be used for some other purpose?
Sure, with some customizations. Our recent success story was for a large F&B client that needed to scan and upload a large number of invoices monthly. In this case there was no scanning of cards or QR codes, but the destination had to be determined from the scanned invoice itself. That worked well for our client, and massively increased productivity.