Fees Management
Imagination is the only limit for the kind of fee structures that can be implemented seamlessly in DC Netra.

Fees Portal
Implement your fee structure seamlessly
Whether you take monthly, quarterly, termly or yearly fees, and even advance; vary fees according to classes, sections or by individual students; apply concessions; handle late fees; manage defaulters and anything else you can imagine, DC Netra will not let you down!
Define any number of fee heads, vary fees according to classes, activities or anything you can imagine.
Single or recurring billing, advance, instalment or full; our invoicing engine takes care of complex scenarios.
Over the counter, through payment gateway, or through payment partners; our software handles all with instant updates.
Reduce outstanding by sending automated reminders to parents for clearing their dues.
Exceptions do exist. DC Netra obliges you with provision to handle all such exceptions.
DC Netra is VAT compliant and generates reports in formats that can be readily submitted to the ministries.
Refund rules perform calculations on the fly to find out the exact refund amount in case the need arises.
Identify defaulters and apply restrictions such as blocking access to certain privileged parent services.
Spotlight on fees
Streamline your fees management process with our comprehensive yet friendly set of tools integrated with financial accounting, inventory, transport, library and online services.
Got a question?
Here are our frequently answered questions to help you understand how our fees management system can simplify your fees definition, collection, refund & returns filing.
What's the entry point of fees management?
Fees management takes over once your classes & sections are set up. The first step is to define fee categories, followed by several fee heads in each category. You then proceed for defining the class fees for current year, or next year. There are several attributes for each fee head that determines how the fees are computed and collected as you move ahead.
What kind of fees can be defined?
As we say, imagination is the limit. You can define any fee type that you wish to collect. Further, you can define the frequency of its recurrence, if applicable.
How do you handle taxation?
DC Netra handles taxation very well. When you define the fee types, you also define its tax slabs. Rest is all taken care of.
Does the software generate proforma invoice?
Well, you have that option to ensure you don’t end up paying taxes for bad debts. Some schools choose to go for proforma invoice, while some have an inclination towards receipt based billing. DC Netra supports both.
How do you handle concessions?
As part of fee definition, you can also define the concession rules, such as first sibling, second sibling and so on. Being a centralized database, the fees management module knows about the concessions to apply beforehand.
Is it possible to apply spot discounts?
It is very much possible to apply discounts on the fly. However, necessary approval flows are also taken into consideration so that the system performs in a controlled environment.
Can you handle variable fees in the same class?
There are practical reasons why such requirements often come up, and hence it is possible to define fees for an individual student.
Does the software support payment gateways?
This used to be a luxury in the good old days, but now a necessity. Parent convenience is an important parameter in school selection. DC Netra support online payment through its integration with several payment gateways and online payment collection solutions.
But our school uses a different payment gateway...
Not an issue. We have handled several such integrations in the past and continue to do so.
Do you have any standard templates?
We have a large repository of invoice & receipt formats. You can select from it to reduce the implementation timeline by simply customizing the logo, header, contact information etc. 90 per cent of our associates take the same route, and we are open for customized requirements as well.
What kind of reports do you generate?
We have a generous set of parametric reports – transaction, collection, audit, default, pay mode, and so on. Our insightful reports can help you pinpoint and correct.
Can you regenerate a receipt?
Although receipts are available on Parent Portal and app, parents often come up with such requests citing the reason of lost receipt. You can easily generate a duplicate receipt to address such situations.
Do you support only yearly fees?
You can define fees as one-time, advance, monthly, quarterly, annual, term wise etc. You can also define the collection conditions – whether to be paid in full, or can be distrbuted in installments.
How much have you explained on this page?
It is just a tip of the iceberg. Please leave your contact details in the contact form and our Professional Services representative will contact you for a comprehensive demo.